Up to the minute information on state grants awarded across the nation.
Stanford Law School Gets State Department Grant Stanford Law School received a $7.2 million grant to continue an innovative legal education program in Afghanistan.
The State Departments Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement...more
Hingham Police Receives Grant Massachusetts's Execute Office of Public Safety and Security awarded Hingham Police a state grant totaling approximately $3,300.
The grant will be used to assign 20 extra patrols around Hingham...more
Fitchburg Applies For a Grant The city of Fitchburg is planning to apply for a grant worth $2 to $3 million under the MassWorks Infrastructure program.
The grant will help fund the revamping of Fitchburg's downtown area with...more
Arkansas Receiving $2 Million State Grant Governor Mike Beebe awarded the drought-stricken Arkansas with a $2 million state grant from the Governor's Disaster Fund.
The grant money will go toward ranchers who produce cattle, sheep, and...more
Beardow Adams Inc. Receives Grant Beardow Adams Inc. is planning to invest $5.1 million over the next five years in Charlotte. With that, they are awarded with a $37,600 grant from the One North Carolina Fund which makes it possible...more
Hamilton City Might Grab Grant Hamilton City might be awarded with a grant as part of the community's $52.4 million levee and habitat restoration project.
Residents surrounding the area hopes to get the grant for emergency...more
Virginia Tourism Corporation Awards Grants The Virginia Tourism Corporation will be awarding grants to 45 Virginia tourism initiatives totaling $660,000.
The grant will be used to help promote local and regional tourism efforts. However,...more
Brown County Commissioners Apply for a Grant The Brown County commissioners decided to apply for a grant that will fund a welding and blueprint reading program which will benefit the area.
They will be applying for a $164,500 grant from the...more
Department of Commerce in Washington Awards Grant The Department of Commerce in Washington awarded Sound Transit with an energy efficiency grant totaling $400,000.
The grant will be used to fund various projects whichwill include new lighting at...more
Westhampton Receives Grant Highway officials of Massachusetts announced that Westhampton will be receiving a $1.2 million grant to replace a narrow bridge.
The grant will be used to replace the existing 12-foot long and...more