Home Improvement Grant and Loan Programs

Home ownership is one of the keys to healthy and vibrant communities. Helping homeowners improve their homes, make them safe and energy effiicient is the focus of a number of federal and state programs.

Start Here to Get Started with home improvement assistance programs.

In addition The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Outlines all Government Programs related to Home Improvement. Many of the programs offer Grants for Home Improvement, particularly with regard to increasing energy efficiency.

Rural Housing Preservation Grants

To assist very low- and low-income rural residents individual homeowners, rental property owners (single/multi-unit) or by providing the consumer cooperative housing projects (co-ops) the necessary as...more

HOME Investment Partnerships Program

(1) To expand the supply of affordable housing, particularly rental housing, for low and very low income Americans; (2) to strengthen the abilities of State and local governments to design and impleme...more

Community Development Block Grant ARRA Entitlement Grants (CDBG-R)(Recovery Act Funded)

The overall CDBG program objective is to develop viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for perso...more

Community Development Block Grants/Special Purpose Grants/Insular Areas - (Recovery Act Funded)

To provide community development assistance to the
Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Insular CDBG-R program fu...more

Community Development Block Grants/State"s program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii (Recovery Ac

The primary objective of this program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for p...more

Neighborhood Stabilization Program

NSP-TA will be structured and operated as an assessment-based and outcome-focused delivery system with the following objectives: 1) improve grantees" ability to assess conditions in the affordable seg...more

Multifamily Energy Innovation Fund

The primary purpose of the Program is to stimulate innovative approaches for increasing the energy efficiency of existing multifamily residential properties that can be replicated by others. HUD expec...more

Native American Housing Block Grants (Formula) Recovery Act Funded

To provide federal assistance for Indian tribes in a manner that recognizes the right of tribal self-governance, and for other purposes....more

Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grants (Recovery Act Funded)

To provide housing assistance to low-income Native Hawaiian families who are eligible to reside on Hawaiian Home Lands....more

Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (Recovery Act Funded)

To provide assistance for Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages in the development of viable Indian communities....more

Vietnam’s Enterprise Law has been amended last November and now provides a legal definition of social enterprise. The law also grants social enterprises a number of rights. British Council Vietnam has played a vital role in supporting this amendment.

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