Pursuant to the Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Public Law 115-245), the Federal Railroad Administration is to make available to Amtrak $239,049,35 5. 00 to cover Operating, Capital, Debt Service
and American Disabilities Act (ADA) expenses of which $8,366,43 8. 00 will be used for ADA expenses until December 7, 2018 or the date of enactment of the applicable full year appropriations act for FY1 9.
In order to receive these funds, Amtrak must complete the grant application and submit the following items electronically:
(a) Application for Federal Assistance SF-424; (b) Statement of Work, (c) A description of the projected operating and capital costs for the upcoming fiscal year for Northeast Corridor activities, including train services and infrastructure, and National Network activities, including State-supported routes and long-distance routes, in comparison to prior fiscal year actual financial performance; (d) A description of the capital projects to be funded, with cost estimates and an estimated timetable for completion of the projects covered by the request; (e) An assessment of Amtrak's financial condition; (f) SF-424B Assurances Non-Construction Programs; (g) SF- 424D Assurances Construction Programs; and (h) Signed copies of the U.
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Assurances and Certification forms (http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/admin/assurancesandcertifications.pdf).